Wednesday, April 28

The story of Norma Jeanne.

Norma Jeanne is one of out many rabbits.Currently we have seven. The three we originally bought, Xerces, Bruce and Peter. Melvin and Norma Jeanne are the children of Xerces and Bruce. And Sky and Meatwad were given to us when the neighbors moved. One day me Colleen and our friend Christine were at the mall and we decided we needed rabbits. I picked out Xerces because he is beautiful, he is a Lions Head which means he has a mane around his head, he is a lovely smokey white colour. Colleen picked Bruce while Christine picked Peter. Bruce is a soft cuddley brown but she has very shape nails so its not fun to pick her up. Peter looks like a saddle shoe, all black and white, he is mean. Without asking the store to sex the rabbits or doing it ourselves since we all know how to we put all three in one cage. Rather quickly we realised Bruce had a liter. We had to quickly move the other two out of her cage and protect the kits (baby bunnies). Not much longer after the kits were born and moving about we realised Bruce was again pregnant. This time being prepared we got her a nest box and as soon as the first kits were weaned off they went to auction. There was an overlaps of the two litters of kits. During that time we had over twenty rabbits. In the second litter was Melvin and Norma Jeanne. Norma Jeanne came about to have a name and be saved from being given away because one day Travis, my darling cat, tried to eat him. I was sitting in the living room one night and all of a sudden I heard a horrid scream come from outside. Knowing Travis likes to catch things and then play with them until they are dead I grabbed a flashlight to go out and rescue whatever she was torturing. As soon as Travis saw me she grabbed what she was playing with and ran. I caught up to her in the front yard where she dropped this teensy little bunny and ran away from me.I went over and realised that this poor little thing fell out of the cage. So I brought him in the house and dried him off and made sure Travis hadnt hurt him. Thankfully she didnt. Even at such a young age, maybe a month or two old, Norma Jeanna was so pretty. You could already tell that Xerces was the father. He has this tiny little mane. Once he calmed down he hoped around the desk I had up him on playing with pens and paper. I decided that night since my cat tried to kill him I wanted him to stay here. When it was time to give away the kits Colleen decided to keep Melvin, she looks like Norma Jeanne except she brown and white instead of black and white, and I kept Norma Jeanne. 

Norma Jeanne is named after Marylin Monroe and me. I liked how Marylin's real name was very ordinary and for my extraordinary rabbit I thought it suited. My middle name is Jeanne and since I like it spelled that way not Jean I obviously spell it with two e's and tow n's. 

Norma Jeanne may be a male rabbit but I do not pick names on the sex of the animal. It actually has never been a factor. I pick names I like. Norma Jeanne fits Norma Jeanne because he is fun. He loves to play with toys, when Penny comes out he hopes around his cage like crazy getting her attetion only to tease her since she cant get at him. He is known to escape from his cage if you leave it open even a crack. But he is good when he gets out. He stays in the yard mostly near the other rabbits cages, totally annoying the other rabbits. He digs holes and lays in them, plays with pine cones and acorns. To bad catching him is hard or I would gladly let him out. Xerces is the same way. Xerces never leaves the area around the cages, if he wasnt white and we didnt live in an area with foxed and coyotes I would just let him out all the time since he is so good. But unlike Norma Jeanne Xerces doesnt want you to touch him.

Now we all know the story of the lovely Norma Jeanne. Maybe next time I will write Travis' bio.


  1. I love the names you have for your rabbits. I think personality matters more than gender -- except when they are being given roommates!

  2. I like to get pets so I can name them. I dont want them anymore after they have names.
