I am restarting my diet again. I have joined the website startyourdiet.com. On this site there are two membership options, free and deluxe. I am a deluxe member, its $29.95 for a year. I decided to go with this paln because it is a community site. Here I am able to go on discussion boards and chat with others that are struggling with their own weight loss.
Startyourdiet.com also gives you a detailed view of your weight loss for as often as you choose to weigh in. I am weighing in every Friday. Each week my plan projects how much I loose each week according to the settings I have chosen. I believe my plan is to loose two pounds a month. It also tracks my BMI, measurements, food and water intake. There is a place to have a journal to write about what is going on in your day to day life. I personally like anything that has charts, graphs, and planners.
One of the other reasons I picked this plan is because it has a 100 Days to Weight Loss feature. Each day you get a new lesson. Each lessons aim is to help you understand why you haven't been successful in the pass and to help you over come these obstacles. Here is day ones lesson (My first lesson!): Day 1: I used to be that way...
You are so determined to make this program work. This time, you really want to stay on your weight-loss plan and reach your goal. But deep inside, you may be afraid you haven't changed at all and that you'll quit your program long before the 100 days are up.
Perhaps a tiny voice is reminding you of your past failures with dieting. In the beginning, you're always very excited and motivated. But after a few weeks, your enthusiasm drops, and without meaning to, you slip up.
Maybe you sneak an extra candy bar or a bowl of ice cream at the end of a bad day. Then you reason that, since you've already blown it, you can go ahead and eat more. Soon you get discouraged with your behavior and eventually you quit your diet completely, just like you always do.
Change your thinking
Stop right there! Your past does not determine your future. In fact, your previous failures have absolutely no effect on your ability to succeed now. Starting today, eliminate the belief that things always go a certain way or that you never stay with your goals. Whenever those doubts creep back in, immediately give yourself this new message:
I used to be that way, but now I'm different!
This powerful statement completely ignores whatever you did before and instead, it promises you can change your outcome entirely. Rather than being fearful that you'll repeat the past, build a new way of thinking.
Make up a new ending
Because now you're different, you can do anything. You can even create different endings for your old negative patterns. Suppose you've been worried because you "always gain your weight back." Come up with a new statement that describes what you can do to prevent this.
For example, you might say, "I used to give up on a diet after a few weeks. But now, I pull out my journal every day and use writing to keep myself on track."
When doubts creep in, remind yourself that now you handle life differently. Go ahead and invent entirely new outcomes for your goals, then remind yourself often about your ideas. Over time, these patterns will become permanent, and your dream of success will actually come true.
Make a list of any fears or negative behaviors that have hurt your weight-loss success in the past. Read each one out loud, and then say, "I used to be that way, but now I'm different." Then write new endings for them by completing this sentence: I used to ________ (fill in your old behavior), but now I ________ (write in your new ending). Read these new outcomes often, and then live in a way that makes them true.
disclaimer: I have cut and pasted this from startyourdiet.com which I am a paying member.
Task 1:
- Not being able to succeed.
- Not having the support I need.
- Not being able to handle working, eating right, and exercise.
- No one noticing the results if I do succeed
Negative behaviors:
- Binge eating
- Continuing to eat junk and drink absurd amounts of soda.
- Quitting the gym after just a few classes.
- Not being motivated.
Task 2:
I used to give up easily and quickly , but now I am going to stick with it for the sake of my heath and general well being.T
Kudoos! Good luck, too....