Friday, September 10

Memories of the random variety.

I remember being at Maureen's house in New Hampshire and 
practicing for my dance recital. It was to a Gloria Estefan song. 

One day Frankie was running through our yard and our dog Lucy
bit him in the ass. He got in trouble by his mom for
running past the dog when he knew she would bite him.

Marisa and Katie had a weird crawl space in their 
bedroom we would all squash in there and read ghost stories.

When we were little on Christmas Colleen and I would 
go up into Maureen's bedroom and play Barbies. 

Lucy, our dog, would get loose and go and chase 
and kill Dolores' cats but would never hurt our cat. 

When Fanny was a puppy she would run down the street 
with her ears flopping all over the place like bat wings. 

One year Jeremy came to Christmas. 

When we went to get our cat Rat, he was the only one who hid under the truck. I guess he didnt want to move to Carver. 

I had strep throat in Disney World. I spent three days asleep on the couch. All I remember from that trip is that the pharmacy didnt have liquid amoxicillan and I had to get chewables, which are gross, and I missed Zach and Kelly getting married on Saved By The Bell. Oh that was heartbreaking. 

When we were 16 Lacey and I sat on the roof of her dads house 
and people watched everyone going home on the 4th of July. 

I swear every time I went camping it rained. But we always stopped
at the Burger King in Ashland, at least I think it was Ashland.

Also while camping you could never find a sober aunt or uncle.

I went with Bert one day to visit his parents. I walked into a room that was filled with movies. It was a room of shelves. All Mrs Carew had were movies. It was lovely. She also had dolls in cases in her living room. 

I vaguely remember walking up the stairs to Bert's living room 
to spend the day there when I had the chicken pocks.

I helped with the shingling of Bert's garage. I actually just passed
the shingles to him but I helped all the same. 

When Lyn moved to her new house my job was to wash the glue
off the walls in the staircase. God that sucked.

The coolest thing a cow can do is pick its nose with its tongue. 
No, not a memory but it is pretty friggen amazing.


  1. This was rather interesting in a Woody Allen sort of way.

  2. I guess I dont know anything about Woody Allen because I dont "get" your comment.
