Thursday, September 16

Meet Dottie

I went to my grandmothers, Dot, house the other day. While I was there I asked if she had a dress form I could borrow. She asked why and I said it was because I am visual. I cant see what I am supposed to sew if it is laying flat on the floor. Dot said she'd look and bring it over if she could find one. 

The next day when I crawled out of bed this is the conversation I had with Colleen: 
"Your doll is here"
"What doll?"
"The one Dot brought."
"Oh," looking around. "Where is it?"

So outside I go. Well to the porch I go. And spy around. Then I spot it. In the driveway. I turn around and go find shoes. You never know when there will be a dead mouse in the driveway. As I bring the dress form into the house I decide to name her Dottie. I like it. I think it fits her well. 

Dottie is an old dress form. I cant seem to find anything like her on the internet. The ones I have looked at online are all made of fabric. Dottie is not. She is a metal frame in the shape of a lady. She is also wearing a slip. 


  1. I like that Dottie is modest. Is she adjustable to your size?

  2. Im not entirely sure. There are buttons on the front and back and rods in the middle. Im sure if I tried hard enough I could make her but Im not going to push it. Right now she works wonderfully for just holding up the cape to pin it. Plus as of right now her waist is 33 inches! Way skinnier than I am and fatter than Colleen.

  3. Hi there!

    Thanks for visiting via Quilly's blog. Good guess for our vacation, but no one has guessed yet. Perhaps Dottie knows? That is am amazing dress form and I love that you named her after your grandma and that it came from her. I wish I could sew.

    Gel (For some reason, the profile open ID choice never works for anyone for me, only "name" and "url" choice, so please note that my GOOGLE account is NOT connected to my blog. It's just so I can comment on blogs set up like yours. :)
