Wednesday, September 22

Lionel for dinner..

So the other day I said we were having Lionel for dinner. Well I must tell you Lionel was a fantastic dinner guest. Not only did he have excellent manners, he was delicious! I would have him for dinner again. Actually I had him for lunch the next day as well.

I was not home when Lionel actually finished cooking or when the rest of the food was made, I had gone to visit Vanessa. But I was delighted to come home and find Lionel, gravy (made from Lionel), ziti, and broccoli and green beans. It tastes delicious. Even if Mum complained about the fact that I had put Worcestershire Sauce on the poor chicken. But whatever I like Worcestershire Sauce and I put it on everything, well most things.

The next day when I went to work I was telling the GM and my co-worker about naming my dinner. I was surprised how shocked they were that I would actually name something I was going to eat. I am weird. I name most things. I named the neighbors cats. All of the squirrels in our yard are names George. Why wouldn't I name dinner? The one thing I have never named is a car. I have never driven a car that had a good enough personality to give it a name. And according to Shawn all cars are girls so I would have a hard time naming it anyway.

MMMM just looking at these pictures is making me hungry again.


  1. Well, since your dinner had a name I did wonder if he had previously been a pet. I have eaten chickens with names -- because I raised them. Same with bunny rabbits. I also spent one year happily munching on bits and pieces of a steer named Pete.

  2. If it had been living when I had named it it wouldnt have been eaten. But it just looked like it needed a name.
