Saturday, May 1

Day three....

Thursday equals day three in my "new life". So far I am doing fairly well.

Today at the gym I didnt push myslef as hard as I could have. I slowly walked on the treadmill for 26 minutes. And I mean slowly. I didnt feel like walking. So I switched over to the bike. Where I slowly biked for 15 minutes. I did go over a mile on both machines but after a long day with my boss I decided to go home and eat.

Lets see what did I eat.... (short term memory is a bitch)...
I had a Chef salad sans the dressing
A bottle of Pepsi
A bottle of water
Cheesey brocolli. 
..and I think thats it. .

Yeah thats it. It wasnt a very good day. I was amazingly happy to go home after work and the gym. Stupidly I left my sneakers at home when I went to work so I had to go all the way home and collect them  just to turn right back around and go half way back to work. Let me tell you that will not be happening again.

1 comment:

  1. Stuffing. I want stuffing.

    You are eating more sensibly. I am eating much worse - -when I eat at all. Must stop skipping breakfast!
