I would like to have a car that never needed gas.
I would like to be able to go to the grocery store and only buy whats on my list.
I would like to be able to wash clothes at my own house once again.
I would like for Biggest Loser to have new episodes every day.
I would like to drink Pepsi and not have my kidney hurt.
I would like my dreams to make sense.
I would like to be able to take time off to do fun things without having to worry about missing a days pay.
I would like to always have fresh roses in my house.
I would like to have a new camera since mine was stolen.
I would like Netflix to be compatable with my Comcast DVR.
I would like for my nails to never break again and my polish to never chip.
I would like for my hair to grow faster.
I would like to run away and never come back.
I would like to be able to kick Jay Leno off the air for good.
I would like to not be addicted to Facebook.
I would like to make Thanksgiving dinner this year.
I would like water to taste like Pepsi so I wouldnt mind drinking it.
I would like for my favorite jeans to fit again.
I would like to blow my house up.
I would like Ed to stop being such an asshole.
I would like to paint my bedroom red.
I would like to have a spork handy at all times.
I would like to know what the wine on my desk tastes like without having to pop the cork.
I would like to be more outgoing.
I would like to post that picture of Colleen looking like a dweeb without getting bitched at.
I would like for all tv shows to go automatically to dvd and only cost $15 a season.
I would like to learn Hebrew.
I would like to visit the Church of Satan.
I would like to always have fresh lightbulbs.
I would like for my computer to not make that annoying buzzing noise every night while Im trying to sleep.
I would like for Travis to stop laying on my kidney.
I would like to be a neat person.
I would like for the contestants on Biggest Loser to stop being such cry babies.
I would like to be able to afford to go to Pharamcay School.
I would like for the cute frame on my montitor to not have a picture of Fenway in it, but that was a good night.
I would like to find my wisdom teeth so I can always have them.
I would like to own a cow and name it Teddy.
I would like to know where my remote is.
I would like for people to stop feeling the need to buy me Christmas presents, I dont like them.
I would like to be ontime just once for work.
I would LOVE for people to stop telling me how much I look like my Mum.
I would like to always have new socks and underwear.
I would like my hair to grow back in silver.
I would like to have a gigantic house with lots of windows I cna cover up so not to let the peepers look in.
I would like my neighbors to remember just once that my bedroom window, which is always open, looks over their front yard and I can hear everything they say at midnight when I am trying to sleep.
I would like when they take books and make them into movies they actually follow along wiht the book.
I would also like for them to stop putting Tom Hanks in what could have been a perfectly good movie before he was cast and ruined it.
I would like to have my mouse pad back.
I would like to have some cookies right about now.
I would like to know what happened to my super awesome 4 inch Steve Madden black and white polka dot "pin up" heels I got for $10.
I would like to see "Nessie" when I eventually visit Loch Ness.
I would like to never have to deal with Ed eating sardines again for lunch at work.
i would like some of that stuff too