Wednesday, June 30

Thursday Thunks Holiday Edition

Thursday Thunks: It's a holiday, people!

Welcome to the July 1st edition of Thursday Thunks!
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!

We pick a subject, and your job is to interpret it anyway you want.
Write about it on your blog... simple as that.
Maybe you can interpret it as a picture - we don't care!

Please only leave a link if you have written a Thursday Thunks post.
Please mention us in your post, and link back to the blog 
Don't forget to go visit the other participants' blogs.
Read and comment about all their Thursday Thunks responses!
That's what all this is about after all, isn't it?
We'll have so much fun and become lifelong friends....
The TT questions are brought to you by Berleen, the color ofPacific Ocean and the number that comes after 393.

So yeah, it's a holiday weekend. 4th of July... Independence Day... whatever you want to call it. What are you doing on July 5th? July 5th is a Monday. I will be staying at home until it is time to go meet with a woman in Plymouth. 
Have you ever known anyone who has been kidnapped? By "real" kidnappers? No. By friends? Yes. 
Does wiping with newspaper make you a smartass? No, but that is not a place I'd like to get a paper cut. 
If someone sends you - or you stumble upon a link that will show you celebrity death photos, do you click the link? Totally. I am a horrid gruesome person. I will look at all sorts of horrid stuff and hid behind my hands. 
Do you decorate your computer/laptop? With what? Tinsel? Stickers? Dog poo? No. My laptop is covered in spit from accidentally sneezing on it and cat hair from when Travis decides I cant internet anymore. But thats normal, right? 
You see Bud and his lady out walking in a park... suddenly she stops and kicks him square in the ass. What did he say to her? Sorry but I don't care who the hell it is... I laugh my ass off. Especially if its totally out of the blue, no argument or anything. Oh that would be lovely to see. 
There is a cockroach, a tarantula and a mouse in the room - which one do you kill first? None I run screaming like a little girl out of the room to get Shawn or Mum both of which would probably run away too. And sadly the mousey and the cockroach wouldn't bother me nearly as much as the damn spider. I think Id have to move if I found one in my house. 
Did you know that a hay bale can start on fire by itself? Do you know how? Yes. Just like a pile of compost. It starts to heat up from the inside out. Once it gets hot enough BOOM! fire city. 
Kimber calls you - what is her voice like? Phone-sex operator. 
Have you ever played Battleship? Yes but it wasnt the proper way to play. I am a cheater. I always peeked so I could sink someone elses battleship.

 Days of our Lives paid tribute to Francis Reid/Alice Horton this week(Francis, the actress, died in February, Alice (the character) died last week). She was 91 years old and was protrayed as a smart, witty, funny, loving, always gave the best advice type woman. Wonderful mother, grandmother, friend... many characters (and cast members) commented on how they strive to be the type of woman she was. Is there someone in your life that you strive to be like? I strive to be like me. I would like to have the compassion and understanding and patience of certain other people in my life but I dont. I am doing what I can. And helping who I can. 
Do you attend parades? Nope. I dont like crowds. 
If Berleen were to purchase three 10-gallon tubs of the peanut butter that they use at Dairy Queens, would you think any less of her? Nope. I would think she is a damn smart woman. That peanut butter would last like a year and a day. 
If all the flowers but one kind withered and died, never to grow again, but that one kind of flower would grow worldwide forever, what would you want the surviving flower to be?
Roses. Just roses. I love roses. 


  1. Ha, ha, your computer decoration. Too funny.

    My Thunking's HERE if you'd like to stop by for a visit.

  2. Good for you for peeking! :)

    Enjoy your Thursday.

  3. Phone sex operator sound sounds about right. And thanks for enjoying my butt getting kicked! :)
