Sunday, March 14


Its winding! Super bad! I am afraid the power will go out. I hope it doesn't. We don't have any candelabras, candle stick holders, or Menorah's. One of these  days I WILL go out and buy at least one of those things for all of the times we might not have lights but I forget until its time for the lights to go out. Here in our house there is always some sort of noise. TV's, computers, cellphones, typing, whatever. But when the power goes out even the bird shuts up. Its eerily quiet. Something I do not like. Both  Colleen and I have laptops but whats the point of them with no internet? Her laptop can at least play DVDs but her computer is old and her battery wont last long. My computer has no CD drive at all so unless its already on my computer I cant use it. I cant even play Snood. The last time the power went out it was winding and snowing. It went out at about 1030p. At that point Mum, Colleen, and I all went to bed. Who on earth goes to bed at 1030p? Us when there's nothing to watch. Mum grabbed her head phones and iPod and listened to a book so loud we could hear it word for word in the other room. Colleen went to sleep. I layed in bed for a while looking at the black, until I got up and had Tostitos and salsa. Salsa is hard to eat in the dark. I was awake until the power came back on at 2a. I don't  sleep well if there is nothing going on but weather. I like weather, especially while I'm sleeping but I would like some tunes or  TV to go with it. Thankfully now I have bought myself a Walkman that I can listen to so I can snooze. Oh how I hope the power stays on. Good luck NStar keep us powered. 

Today it has been weathering all day. Its just gotten worse since it got dark. After work, my lunch date with V. and my dinner slash mall date with L. I came home in a lovely downpour to a lake. It did  not help that when I left this morning I decided clogs were okay and I did not need my umbrella since it wasn't raining (who believes weather people when they say rain anyway?) and as I was walking to the car I realised my scarf was inside and decided not to go back for it. By the time I got to Plymouth it was raining a bunch. When V. and I went to lunch it was raining hardcore. By the time I made it to dinner with L. I was walking through puddles with the wind and rain coming from any direction that I turned my face. Stupid smart weather people had to be right once in a bloody blue moon. I love mall dates with L. she lets me indulge myself, unlike Colleen who yells at me when I spent my money on stupid things. But I did spend less then L. She bought like five books, I only bought two. One of them may be helpful to me, maybe not, its another book on being Jewish. I only have a bunch of those. But I did hold off on the book about David (Bowie). It took a lot I mean A LOT of will power not to buy that book. Oh how I love David. He is the best old dude ever! A lunch date with V. then a dinner date with L. was not what I had planned. I planned on going to work then going to the library to get my homework done. Obviously that did not happen. Now I must go  to sleep  so I can wake up and do it tomorrow. Boooo!

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