Today, was my first day back to school in like a billion years. Okay, maybe not a billion but definitely five. So far so good. I am a little freaked out by Nutrition though. I like nutrition but I was not expecting a oral presentation or a research paper! I can totally do a research paper but an oral presentation I'm not so sure about. I don't like public speaking. I have gotten better over the years but its still not a good idea. Tomorrow I get to try my hand at Sociology. I am hoping there is no research paper for that class too. I don't think I can handle an English comp, nutrition, and sociology research papers! But I am still stoked about school and I will do very well this semester or I'll be pissed.
So anyway. My Mum and her friend Charlene turned m,e on to Its a pretty cool site. Its like Netflix just for books. Mostly its like renting from the library via the internet, paying money, and waiting for the books to come in the mail. So far I am only slightly disappointed. They didn't send me the books in the order I asked for. I don't really mind. Ill just have to read one of my at home books in the mean time. Colleen is annoyed that they sent her a hardcover book and she doesn't like them. But all and all pretty damn cool.
Through I also came across I rented all but one of my textbooks for this semester for $175 plus shipping instead of the over $500 it would have cost me to buy all of them. Sadly I will have to buy the math book that I wast able to rent but that's okay. I ordered the books on August 26th and I got all but one of them by today. The one I didn't get I only didn't get because UPS decided they didn't have my correct address so they couldn't bring it to me. They said it will be here tomorrow. All of the books are in good condition. The nutrition book is definitely used bit the sociology and one of the English books look brand new. I hope I remember not to write in them so I can return them when I'm done with them.
good post!
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